Wednesday, 5 March 2014

五日 二月 二零一四 快刀斩乱马

希望,渴望 还有我 最讨厌的 失望, 总在 我们的 身边 绕着。 要写一份心血来潮  的 文章,就好像 突然 在你身边吹过的 一阵 寒风。 这段恋情以久已 ,不仅还是不舍得,不过还是得放下。再这样下去,两败俱伤。谁错? 爱是没有对与错,要做就去做。一段没有爱情的 爱情,何来永久?更别说 三个人的爱情,怎么可能 永久呢? 最痛还是 暗地里的那位。 最没尊严的那位。一路上的痛 却 想 坚持下去,却害怕 恐惧 , 他是傻,笨 不过他觉得是值得的,爱情啊? 害人不浅。被人放弃的时候,那种感觉 太痛太痛了。傻傻的等,奇迹? 不是吧。太好笑了。裂痕 裂了 怎么补也没用,裂痕还是 会在。不过他真的想尝试 挽回, 有可能吗? 趁早 离开 伤痛 会 轻一点的,笨蛋!~ 两次的 失落, 痛刺心扉。 不说了,发泄了。心里舒服多了。 如果 你能看到 这篇文章。你还真行。

Wednesday, 2 November 2011


What is CREATIVITY ? And where does creativity come from? Are people born naturally creative? I don’t believe so. I think creativity, like many things is more nurture than nature.Why? I guess my own creativity started as an escape in childhood and from reality of actual living. I guess I’m not the first person in the world to find life difficult sometimes and drawing the world and its people was my way, though not consciously, of studying the world objectively and with some detachment. I then found that this, was a whole world in itself, one of which I was in charge and that was almost completely limitless. And the creative process is like that, you start off at the beginning without necessarily knowing what is at the end.

Being creative allows you to see the world in a different way, it teaches you to be observant and intuitive and make connections between things where others would not.  This is what i call CREATIVITY.